Table of Contents
PHE Publication page
Please find here a list of all PHE related publications. We have included links to papers and videos when available.
Project introduction
- B. F. G. Katz, D. Murphy, and A. Farina, “Exploring cultural heritage through acoustic digital reconstructions,” Physics Today, vol. 73, pp. 32–37, dec 2020, doi:10.1063/pt.3.4633.
Some with videos
B. F. G. Katz, D. Murphy, and A. Farina, “The Past Has Ears (PHE) : XR Explorations of acoustic spaces as Cultural Heritage,” in Intl Conf on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics (SALENTO AVR) (L. De Paolis and P. Bourdot, eds.), vol. 12243 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Salento), pp. 91–98, Sept. 2020, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-58468-9_7.
N. Eley, S. Mullins, P. Stitt, and B.F.G. Katz, “Virtual Notre-Dame: Preliminary results of real-time auralization with choir members”, Intl Conf on Immersive and 3D Audio (I3DA), Sept. 2021. (preprint)
B.F.G. Katz, J.-M. Lyzwa, D. Poirier-Quinot, “La Vierge 2020 : Reconstructing a virtual concert performance Through Historic Auralisation of Notre-Dame Cathedral”, Intl Conf on Immersive and 3D Audio (I3DA), Sept. 2021. (preprint)
- A. Farina, “Future technologies for auralization in archaeoacoustics”, Keynote presentation, Intl Conf on Immersive and 3D Audio (I3DA), Sept. 2021.
Full publication list
Journal / Conference
- B.F.G. Katz, D. Murphy, and A. Farina, “Exploring cultural heritage through acoustic digital reconstructions,” Physics Today, vol. 73, pp. 32–37, Dec 2020, doi:10.1063/pt.3.4633.
- B.F.G. Katz, D. Murphy, and A. Farina, “The Past Has Ears (PHE) : XR Explorations of acoustic spaces as Cultural Heritage,” Proc Intl Conf on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics (SALENTO AVR) (L. De Paolis and P. Bourdot, eds.), vol. 12243 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Salento), pp. 91–98, Sept. 2020, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-58468-9_7.
- B.F.G. Katz and A. Weber, “An acoustic survey of the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris before and after the fire of 2019,” Acoustics, vol. 2, pp. 791–802, Nov. 2020, doi:10.3390/acoustics2040044. SI: Historical Acoustics.
- N. Eley, S. Mullins, P. Stitt, and B.F.G. Katz, “Virtual Notre-Dame: Preliminary results of real-time auralization with choir members”, Proc Intl Conf on Immersive and 3D Audio (I3DA), Sept. 2021 doi:10.1109/I3DA48870.2021.9610851
- B.F.G. Katz, J.-M. Lyzwa, and D. Poirier-Quinot, “La Vierge 2020 : Reconstructing a virtual concert performance Through Historic Auralisation of Notre-Dame Cathedral”, Proc Intl Conf on Immersive and 3D Audio (I3DA), Sept. 2021 doi:10.1109/I3DA48870.2021.9610849
- A. Foteinou, D.T. Murphy, and J. Cooper, “Architectural acoustics and parliamentary debate: Exploring the acoustics of the UK House of Commons Chamber”, Proc of the 2nd Symposium: The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres, 6-8 July 2022, Verona, Italy
- E.K. Canfield-Dafilou, S. Mullins, and B.F.G. Katz, “Opening the Lateral Chapels and the Acoustics of Notre-Dame de Paris: 1225-1320”, Proc of the 2nd Symposium: The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres, p. 1-4, 6-8 July 2022, Verona, Italy
- S. Mullins, E.K. Canfield-Dafilou, and B.F.G. Katz, “The Development of the Early Acoustics of the Chancel In Notre-Dame de Paris: 1160-1230”, Proc of the 2nd Symposium: The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres, p. 1-4, 6-8 July 2022, Verona, Italy
- G. Villegas Curulla, P. Domenighini, B.F.G. Katz, and E.K. Canfield-Dafilou, “Directivity of a Small Pipe Organ Buffet”, Proc of the 2nd Symposium: The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres, p. 1-4, 6-8 July 2022, Verona, Italy
- J. De Muynke, N. Eley, J. Ferrando, and B.F.G. Katz, “Preliminary analysis of vocal ensemble performances in real-time historical auralizations of the Palais des Papes”, Proc of the 2nd Symposium: The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres, p. 1-4, 6-8 July 2022, Verona, Italy
- B.F.G. Katz, D. Murphy, and A. Farina, “PHE : The Past Has Ears project overview,” , Proc of the 2nd Symposium: The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres, p. 1-4, 6-8 July 2022, Verona, Italy
- J. De Muynke, M. Baltazar, M. Monferrand, C. Voisenatd, and B.F.G. Katz., “Ears of the Past, an inquiry into the sonic memory of the acoustics of Notre-Dame before the fire of 2019”, J Cultural Heritage, p. 1-18 (2022), doi:10.1016/j.culher.2022.09.006
- E.K. Canfield-Dafilou, N. Buchs, and B. Caseau Chevallier, “The Voices of Children in Notre-Dame de Paris During the Late Middle Ages and the Modern Period”, J Cultural Heritage, p. 1-18 (minor revisions, 2022)
- M. Pardoen and M. Guesney, “Study and analysis of the sound environment of the construction site of Notre-Dame between the 12th and 18th centuries”, J Cultural Heritage, p. 1-8 (minor revisions, 2022)
- V. Le Page, “La représentation du chant dans les stalles“, Les stalles de la cathédrale d'Amiens - 500 ans, Amiens, Encrage Éditions (in press)
- V. Le Page Valérie and F. Billiet, “The Past Has Ears at Notre-Dame : what interactions between archaeo-acoustics and musical analysis for the musical repertoire of Notre Dame in the Middle Ages ?”, J Musiktheorie,
- M. Pardoen and M. Guesney, “Die Soundscape der Pariser Kathedrale im 12. Jahrhundert” (The soundscape of the Paris cathedral in the 12th century), JG 37, Laaber Verlag, Lilienthal, pp 55-63.
- P. Majdak, F. Zotter, F. Brinkmann, J. De Muynke, M. Mihocic, and M. Noisternig. “Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics 2.1: Introduction and Recent Advances”, J Audio Engineering Society, 2022, 70 (7/8), pp.565-584. ⟨doi:10.17743/jaes.2022.0026⟩
- B. Caseau translation of B. Pentchéva, Visual and Aural Operations of Sacred Space in Byzantium (published in French) in Rituels religieux et sensorialité (Antiquité et Moyen-âge). Parcours de recherche, éds. B. Caseau, E. Neri, Milan: Silvana, 2021
- C., Popp, D.T. Murphy, “Creating Audio Object-Focused Acoustic Environments for Room-Scale Virtual Reality”. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7306. doi:10.3390/app12147306
- L. Shtrepi, L. Lavagna, A. Bevilacqua, A. Farina, A. Astolfi, “Challenges in calibration of acoustical models for historic virtual reality auralizations“, Proc of the 2nd Symposium: The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres, Verona 6-8 July 2022
- L. Lavagna, L. Shtrepi, A. Farina, A. Bevilacqua, and A. Astolfi, “Virtual reality inside the Greek-Roman theatre of Tyndaris: comparison between existing conditions and original architectural features”, Proc of the 2nd Symposium: The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres, 6-8 July 2022, Verona, Italy
- L. Lavagna, L. Shtrepi, A. Farina, A. Bevilacqua, and A. Astolfi, “Acoustic design optimization through the use of auralization: how does it sound like?” Proc of the 2nd Symposium: The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres, 6-8 July 2022, Verona, Italy
- L. Saccenti, E. Armelloni, A. Farina, A. Bevilacqua, and L. Lavagna, “In-Situ Measurements of Normal Impedance and Sound Absorption Coefficient of Hard Materials by using a Laser Doppler Vibrometer”, 153rd Conv Audio Engineering Society, p. 1-7, 19-20 October 2022, New York.
- A. Weber and B. F. G. Katz, “Sound scattering by the Gothic piers and columns of the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris,” Acoustics, vol. 4, pp. 679–703, 2022, doi:10.3390/acoustics4030041.
- L. Lavagna, L. Shtrepi, A. Bevilacqua, A. Farina, A. Astolfi, “Immersive audio inside the Greek-Roman theatre of Tyndaris: comparison between past, current and future conditions. Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA). Gyeongju, Korea, October 24-28, 2022.
- A. Foteinou, D. T. Murphy, and J.P.D. Cooper, “An Acoustic Reconstruction of the House of Commons, c. 1820–1834”, MDPI Acoustics 2023, 5, 193-215. doi:10.3390/acoustics5010012
- A. Bellia, A. Bevilacqua, “Rediscovering the intangible heritage of past performative spaces: interaction between acoustics, performance and architecture”. Heritage, 6, pp. 319-332, 2023, doi:10.3390/heritage6010016
- E. K. Canfield-Dafilou, S. S. Mullins, B. F. Katz, and C. d’Alessandro, “Searching for the location of the first medieval organ in Notre-Dame de Paris via acoustic simulation,” in Forum Acusticum, (Turin), 2023.
- E. K. Canfield-Dafilou, S. S. Mullins, and B. F. Katz, “Can you hear the paintings? The effect of votive offerings on the acoustics of Notre-Dame,” in Forum Acusticum, (Turin), 2023.
- E. Armelloni, L. Saccenti, A. Bevilacqua, L. Lavagna, L. Shtrepi, A. Astolfi, A. Farina, A. Farina, “MIMO Technique applied to the Greek Theatre of Tyndari” in Forum Acusticum, (Turin), 2023.
- S. S. Mullins, E. K. Canfield-Dafilou, and B. F. Katz, “Exploring cultural heritage and restoration of Notre-Dame Cathedral through acoustic digital reconstructions,” IoA Bulletin, pp. 48–54, Sept.-Oct. 2023
- A. Bevilacqua, W. Fuchs. From Greek footprints to the Roman age: the acoustics response of the Roman theatre of Tyndaris and Volterra. In Auditorium Acoustics (IOA), (Athens), 2023.
- J. De Muynke, D. Poirier-Quinot, and B. F. G. Katz, “Creating navigable auralisations using RIR convolution: Impact of grid density and panning method on perceived source stability,” in AES Intl Conf Spatial and Immersive Audio, 2023.
- D. Poirier-Quinot, P. Stitt, and B. F. G. Katz, “RoomZ: Spatial panning plugin for dynamic RIR convolution auralisations,” in AES Intl Conf Spatial and Immersive Audio, 2023
- E. K. Canfield-Dafilou and B. F. G. Katz, “Comparing virtual source configurations for pipe organ auralization,” in Audio Eng Soc Conv 155, (New York), pp. 159:1–9, Oct. 2023
- S. S. Mullins and B. F. G. Katz, “Immersive auralisation for choral ensembles,” in IoA Auditorum Acoustics, 2023
- B. F. G. Katz and P. Stitt, “Size matters: new ways of working with scale models,” in IoA Auditorum Acoustics, 2023
- J. De Muynke, D. Poirier-Quinot, and B. F. Katz, “Effect of interpolation artefacts on perceived stability of nearby sources in a navigable reverberant environment,” J Audio Engineering Society 2024, (in press), doi:10.17743/jaes.2022.0158.
- N. Eley, C. Lavandier, T. Psychoyou, and B. F. Katz, “Listener perception of changes in historically informed performance of solo baroque music due to room acoustics,” Acta Acustica, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 1–15, 2024, doi:10.1051/aacus/2023069.
- B. N. Postma and B. F. G. Katz, “An archaeoacoustic study on shape: the case study of the Iffland Theatre’s history (1802-1817),” Acta Acustica, vol. 7, no. 54, pp. 1–11, 2023, doi:10.1051/aacus/2023046.
- B. F. G. Katz, M. Pardoen, J.-M. Lyzwa, S. Peichert, C. Cros, D. Poirier-Quinot, J. De Muynke, A. Ling, S. Cacheux, J. Griner, J. Mouscadet, and S. S. Mullins, “The Past Has Ears at Notre-Dame: Immersive audio experiences for public engagement,” in Proc AES Conv 156, pp. 1–8, 2024.
- S. S. Mullins and B. F. G. Katz, “The Past Has Ears at Notre-Dame Cathedral: An Interdisciplinary Project in Digital Archaeoacoustics,” Acoustics Today, vol. 20, no. 2, p. (in press).
- A. Foteinou, J. P. D. Cooper, and D.T. Murphy, “Acoustics, Audibility and Political Culture in the House of Commons”, 1800-34. Parliamentary History (in press) 2024.
Book / Chapters
- D. Sandron, Notre-Dame de Paris. Histoire et archéologie d’une cathédrale (XIIe-XIVe s.) (Notre-Dame de Paris. History and archaeology of a cathedral (12th-14th century)), Paris, CNRS Editions, 354 p., 2021, ISBN 2271122341
- B. Caseau, “Odorat, encensement et encensoirs. Le paysage olfactif des espaces sacrés dans les églises tardo-antiques et byzantines” (Smell, incense and censer. The olfactory landscape of sacred spaces in late antique and Byzantine churches), in Rituels religieux et sensorialité (Antiquité et Moyen-âge). Parcours de recherche, Eds. B. Caseau, E. Neri, Milan: Silvana, p. 431-445, 2021, ISBN 9788836648580.
- B.F.G. Katz and M. Pardoen, “L’écho de la cathedrale,” in Notre-Dame de Paris, la science à l’œuvre (P. Dillmann, P. Liévaux, A. Magnien, and M. Regert, eds.), pp. 130–135, Le Cherche-Midi, 2022
- B. Caseau and E. Neri, « La question de la sensorialité en histoire antique et médiévale » , Rituels religieux et sensorialité (Antiquité et Moyen-âge). Parcours de recherche, éds. B. Caseau, E. Neri, Milan: Silvana, 2021, p. 21-55.(ISBN 9788836648580)
- B. Caseau, « Sainteté et enfance (Antiquité tardive et monde byzantin) », Settimana di Studi sull’alto medioevo, L’infanzia nel alto medioevo, Spoleto: CISAM, 2021, p. 737-762. EAN 9788868093150
- B. Caseau, « Variations on the Definition of Sacred Space from Eusebius of Caesarea to Balsamon », From the Human Body to the Universe: Spatialities of Byzantine Culture, dir. Myrto Veikou, Ingela Nillson, Leiden, 2022, p. 482-502. (ISBN 978-90-04-52300-5)
- B. Caseau, « Spaces of Roman Religion and Christianity in Late Antiquity », Oxford Handbook of Religious Space, eds. J. Halgren Kilde, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2022, p.327-343. (+ ebook: OUP Handbook of Religious Space ) ISBN: 9780190874988
- B. Caseau, H. Monchot eds, Religion et interdits alimentaires, Peeters, 2022. (ISBN 9042947969)
- B. Caseau, “Sacred Space and Sensory Experience in Late Antique Churches”, The Cambridge Guide to the Architecture of Christianity, dir. R. Etlin, A.-M. Yasin, Cambridge University Press, 2022; p. 23-32. (ISBN: 9781108471510)
- B. Caseau, “The substance of incense from Roman Antiquity to the Middle Ages”, Holy Smoke. Censers across Cultures, Ed. B. Fricke, Hirmer Publishers (12- 2023) ISBN: 9783777439488 (url)
- B. Caseau, « Childhood and Gender in Byzantium”, Gender and Sexuality in Byzantium, eds. Ch. Messis & M. Meyer, Routledge (to appear 2024)
- V. N.-L. Page, S. S. Mullins, B. F. G. Katz, and F. Billiet, Virtual Acoustic Reconstruction of Notre Dame Cathedral’s Choral Past, in Historical Resonances: Space, Senses and Early Music, Esteve, Eva / Griffiths, John / Rodilla, Francisco (Ed.), Leiden: Brill, p. (in press) 2024
- J. Ferrando and J. De Muynke, Interpretation of a medieval vocal repertoire in the reconstructed acoustics of the great chapel of the Palais des Papes, in Historical Resonances: Space, Senses and Early Music, Esteve, Eva / Griffiths, John / Rodilla, Francisco (Ed.), Leiden: Brill, p. (in press) 2024
- S. Peichert, J. D. Muynke, and B. F. Katz, “Notre-Dame Whispers: a geo-localised immersive walk through the sonic memory of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral,” in Proc. Gothic Resonances, (in press)
- V. N.-L. Page, S. S. Mullins, B. F. Katz, and F. Billiet, “Le chant dans le chœur de Notre Dame à la fin du XIIe siècle : Expérimentations et analyses,” in Proc. Gothic Resonances, (in press)
- B. F. Katz, C. Cros, S. Peichert, and J. De Muynke, “The Past Has Ears at Notre-Dame: Acoustic digital twins for research and narration,” Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, (in review).
- B. F. Katz, N. Eley, J. D. Muynke, S. S. Mullins, and E. K. Canfield-Dafilou, Experimental Virtual Archaeological-Acoustics: Studying Historical French Spaces and Performance Practice, Archaeoacoustics, Kolar, Miriam / Lubman, David (Ed.), (in review).
- S. S. Mullins, E. K. Canfield-Dafilou, M. Guesney, M. Pardoen, and B. F. Katz, The Past Has Ears at Notre-Dame: Soundscape and acoustic research on the history of Paris’ cathedral, Soundscape Archaeology, Kolar, Miriam / Primeau, Kristy (Ed.), (in review).
- C. d’Alessandro, E. K. Canfield-Dafilou, S. S. Mullins, and B. F. Katz, “The position of Gothic organs in Notre-Dame de Paris: architectural evidence, acoustic simulations, and musical consequences,” Applied Acoustics, (in review). SI: Selected papers on Room Acoustics at Forum Acusticum 2023.
- B. F. Katz, S. Mullins, J. D. Muynke, E. K. Canfield-Dafilou, B. N. Postma, and D. Poirier-Quinot, “Experimental virtual archaeological-acoustics: Bringing together physical, computer, and social science researchers,” in Proc. Historical interiors and the digital – The possibilities and limits of virtual reconstructions for research, (in review).
Presentations without publications
- A. Farina, “Future technologies for auralization in archaeoacoustics”, Keynote presentation, Intl Conf on Immersive and 3D Audio (I3DA), Sept. 2021.
- J.P.D. Cooper, C. Cooper, and D.T. Murphy, “The Soundscapes of Parliament in Early Modern England”, Soundscapes of the Early Modern World, 5-9 July 2021
- D.T. Murphy, C. Cooper, and J.P.D. Cooper, “Horror Vacui: Balancing evidence and imagination during the virtual reconstruction of St Stephen’s Chapel, Palace of Westminster”, Symposium on Scholarly Reconstruction: An Interdisciplinary Discussion on Methods, Outcomes, and Limits of Reconstruction Practices, Newcastle University, 19-20 July, 2021
- S. Mullins, V. Le Page, J. De Muynke, E. K. Canfield-Dafilou, F. Billiet, and B.F.G. Katz, “Preliminary report on the effect of room acoustics on choral performance in Notre-Dame and its pre-gothic predecessor,” in Meeting of Acoustical Society of America, vol. 150, p. A258, 2021, doi:10.1121/10.0008212.
- D. Sandron, « Notre-Dame de Paris au XIVe siècle : le temps des réparations », Paris, École normale supérieure, 9-Feb-2021.
- D. Sandron and L. Cook, “Notre-Dame, Past and Present”, International Center of Medieval Art, 1-Feb-2021.
- D. Sandron, “Notre-Dame de Paris, questions de spatialité”, Paris, Ecole nationale Supérieure des Arts décoratifs, 31-Mar-2021.
- D. Sandron, “Notre-Dame de Paris, un monument de référence”, Paris, Ecole de guerre, 18-May-2021.
- D. Sandron, “Notre-Dame, la signification de la cathédrale au Moyen Âge”, Paris, Association nationale de neurologie, 22-Apr-2021.
- D. Sandron, “Opus Magnum. The Great Restoration of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris”, Webinar, Orlando, Valencia College, 1-Apr-2022.
- F. Billiet, V. Le Page, S. Mullins, and B.F.G. Katz, “Virtual acoustic reconstructions of Notre-Dame cathedral’s past for musicological study”, Music and contexts in the Iberian world medieval and renaissance (MEDyREN) : Early Music, Architectural Spaces and New Technologies, Morella, 20-21 May, 2022
- J. Ferrando and J. De Muynke, “Reinterpreting the music of the Ars Nova in its historical acoustic context: the IMAPI experiment Project”, Music and contexts in the Iberian world medieval and renaissance (MEDyREN) : Early Music, Architectural Spaces and New Technologies, Morella, 20-21 May, 2022.
- C. Cros, B.F.G. Katz, and M. Pardoen, “La Fabrique de Notre Dame, une série sonore immersive en son 3D”, Journée d’étude « les nouveaux espaces sonores », Le Mans Sonore : Le Mans, Jan 2022
- M. Pardoen, M. Guesney, J. De Muynke, “ESPHAISTOSS - Étude et analyse sensorielle des métiers du patrimoine historique, de leur restitution sonore, de leur sauvegarde numérique à des fins de transmission, de valorisation et de médiation” (Study and sensory analysis of the historical heritage professions, their sound restitution, and their digital preservation for transmission, enhancement and mediation purposes), Innovatives SHS 2022 (Human and Social Sciences Promotion Fair), Aubervilliers, 18-19 May, 2022
- D. Sandron, G. Chaumet, “Plemo3D. L’apport du numérique à l’étude du décor de Notre-Dame de Paris” (The contribution of digital technology to the study of the decor of Notre-Dame de Paris), Innovatives SHS 2022 (Human and Social Sciences Promotion Fair), Aubervilliers, 18-19 May, 2022
- D. Sandron, “Présentation des opérations de relevés et de modélisation du décor de Notre-Dame de Paris”, Innovatives SHS 2022 (Human and Social Sciences Promotion Fair), Aubervilliers, 18-19 May, 2022
- B. Caseau, “Sound and textiles: the importance of curtains”, in workshop Beyond the veil, Munich, 19 May, 2022.
- B. F. Katz, D. Poirier-Quinot, and J.-M. Lyzwa, “Experimental Virtual Archaeological-Acoustics: The case of ‘La Vierge 2020’,” in AURA - Glimpsing the Future of Immersive Sound Experience, BGZ Berliner Gesellschaft fürinternationale Zusammenarbeit mbH, 2022
- B. F. Katz, “Experimental virtual archaeological-acoustics : Bringing together physical, computer, and social science researchers,” in Historic interiors and digital technology - possibilities and limits of virtual reconstructions for research, Chateau de Versailles, 2022
- J. Ferrando, J. Simonnot, C. Esclapez, B. F. Katz, J. DeMynke, and A. Guerber, “Immersion musicale en acoustique patrimoniale immersive : Reconstitution 3d du patrimoine historiquement informé,” in Séminaire Humanités Numériques, Univ of Corte, Corsica, 2023
- A. Foteinou, “An Acoustic Reconstruction of the House of Commons c.1820-1834“, Institute of Acoustics, UK Midlands Branch, University of York, 2023-03-08.
- A. Foteinou, “Acoustics of Parliamentary Spaces in the UK: House of Commons Chamber in the 1820s“, EuropeanaTech, 2022-11-15. Invited Presentation.
- B. F. Katz, “eXploring the acoustic history of Notre-Dame cathedral,” in XR Stories’ Culture and Heritage Event, (York, UK), 2023.
- S. Peichert, “Whispers of the Past at Notre-dame: promoting academic research through an immersive audio experience for the general public,” in XR Stories’ Culture and Heritage Event, (York, UK), 2023.
- B. Caseau, « Entendait-on la voix des enfants de chœur dans les églises du Moyen âge ? » Journées du Laboratoire Iremus, 06-2023, France, Paris
- J. Ferrando, J. Simonnot, C. Esclapez, B. F. Katz, J. De Muynke, A. Guerber, “Immersion musicale en acoustique patrimoniale immersive : Reconstitution 3d du patrimoine historiquement informé,” in Séminaire Humanités Numériques, Univ of Corte, 2023
- E.K. Canfield-Dafilou, S.S. Mullins, B. Caseau, “Questions d'audibilité à Notre-Dame de Paris”, Gothic Resonances, Avignon, 2023-09-07
- J. De Muynke, S. Peichert, “Whispers of the Past at Notre-Dame: a geo-localised immersive walk through the sonic memory of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral”, Gothic Resonances, Avignon, 2023-09-07
- V. Le Page, S.S. Mullins, ”Le chant dans le chœur de Notre-Dame à la fin du XIIe siècle, expérimentations et analyses”, Gothic Resonances, Avignon, 2023-09-07
- J. Ferrando, “Immersion musicale en acoustique patrimoniale immersive : présentation du projet IMAPI”, Gothic Resonances, Avignon, 2023-09-07
- B.F. Katz, “Digitally exploring the acoustic history of Notre-Dame cathedral“, EuropeanaTech, The Hague, 2023-10-12, Keynote.
- V. Le Page, “Le chant dans l’iconographie médiévale”, Society for Music Research (GfM) Conf, Saarland University, 2023-10
- A. Foteinou, “Speech Intelligibility of Parliamentary debates in the House of Commons c. 1800-34”, Acoustics & Noise Consultants Conference 2023, 2023-09-21, Invited Presentation
- A. Foteinou, “Audio-immersive tour in a Virtual Representation of St Stephen’s Chapel, Westminster”, eXtending Reality: Immersive Design, Production and Technology, University of Portsmouth, 2023-09-11
- B. F. Katz, “Productions publiques pour explorer l’histoire acoustique de la cathédrale Notre-Dame,” in Journées Techniques du Spectacle et de l’Evénement, 2023, Table ronde : Archéologie sonore : quand l’acoustique devient un patrimoine common.
- B. F. Katz, “The past has ears – research at the intersection of acoustics, virtual reality, cultural heritage, and experimental archaeology,” in Graduate Program in Acoustics Seminar, 2024. Invited talk.
- B. F. G. Katz, “Resonating History: A Digital Expedition into the Acoustic Legacy of Notre-Dame Cathedral,” in Lecture Series “Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age”, 2024, Invited talk.
- B. F. Katz, “Experimental virtual archaeological-acoustics : Bringing together physical, computer, and social science researchers,” in Artsoundscapes seminars, 2024. Invited talk.